Trending Now - Your Questions

Q. How do I request an inspection of my impervious area?

A. The stormwater inspection form can be found in our Rules & Regulations, page 26.

Q. How do I appeal my impervious area calculation? 

A. The appeal process and form can be found in our Rules and Regulations, page 29. 

Q. Where can I find a street sweeping schedule for my street?

A. Our Stormwater Division notifies municipalities of its pending street sweeping schedule. A plan for advance notification via WVSA street signage is ongoing.

Q. Does WVSA provide stormwater management services, such as street sweeping and catch basin repairs on State roads?

A. These services are not provided by WVSA; State road services are provided by PennDOT.

Q. Why am I paying for stormwater services while living on a State road not serviced by WVSA?

A. WVSA's Regional Stormwater Management Program (RSMP) consists of 31 member municipalities. All services provided benefit all member municipalities while enabling them to meet federal and state mandates governing stormwater management.

Q. Who do I contact about flooding on my street or in my basement?

A. For flooding (or illicit discharge) issues, please contact your local municipality

Q. Why do I have to pay a fee when stormwater doesn't leave my property?

A. Rain and runoff may be absorbed by bare ground during light rain events, but properties generally discharge runoff during heavier events. Charging the fee according to impervious surface areas helps ensure that any property contributing to a municipal stormwater system pays its share to support it.

Q. Why didn't we know about this bill in advance?

A. WVSA has been promoting the Regional Stormwater Management Program (RSMP)--including the estimated fee--since fourth quarter 2017. Our outreach efforts include press conferences, public meetings, several local newspaper articles, local news stations' coverage, promotional booths at several community events (National Night Out, RiverFest, ChalkFest, etc.), presentations at municipal meetings, visits to active senior centers and more. Advance billing notices, including information about the RSMP, were mailed to residential property owners in late December, 2018. WVSA remains committed to public outreach and will continue reviewing and adjusting its community engagement strategies.     

Q. What can I do to reduce my stormwater fee?

A. Property owners may earn credits for practices and measures that reduce stormwater runoff. Such measures include the installation of rain barrels or rain gardens.  

Q. When do the credits I applied for become applied to my bill?

A. All due credits will be applied before the next quarterly bill.

Q. Why am I seeing these new fancy WVSA trucks while you're charging a new fee? 

A.  The MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) permit requires development of a program that satisfies Minimum Control Measures (MCMs), which include public education and outreach on stormwater impacts, as well as public involvement and participation in stormwater management. In 2017, WVSA launched a soft rebranding campaign in an effort to promote the Authority's responsibility for both wastewater treatment and stormwater management. Our fleet vehicles have been updated with logos that aim to raise awareness about WVSA's role and encourage a communal commitment to stormwater management. Rather than purchasing them, WVSA now leases these vehicles at a substantial cost savings.